Sunday, February 12, 2006

World Tracker SMS

World Tracker SMS

The $600 World Tracker SMS is a GPS transmitter that sends SMSes to your cellphone along with the device'’s coordinates for a monthly fee. When integrated with Google Earth, it can provide a photo location within 3 meters of the tracking device. It can also be used as an anti-theft device for vehicles, alerting you the moment your vehicle moves more than 100 meters from its parked position.

My goodness. It has certainly been a bumper year so far for Handy Stalker Tools. Now you can stalk and see satellite photos too. Isn't technology great?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Infrared Webcam

THE RAW FEED-Infrared Webcam designed as an all-hours web camera. The red-infrared technology allows you to video chat in a low-light environment. If you want to do chat with a family member or a friend late in the evening, and don't want to disturb anyone, then the Trek 310 is the ideal web camera for those who like to stay up late. Trek 310 was designed with a special base, and it can stand elegantly or hang on the LCD monitor gracefully.

Riiiight. Just in case you don't want to turn on the lights. Uh huh. That's what the infrared is for. Sure, I believe it. Yet another Handy Stalker Tool.

Dress-Up Spy Wear

Buttonholed. - The Red Ferret Journal

If you wear this button-looking device on your suit, it records the situation of a spot and transmit the data to remote areas using the wireless transmit technology (Bluetooth) in real time. The device detects movements of an object and records them automatically. You can have access and communicate several Self Guard devices from anywhere you can use the internet.

Ah yes. More Handy Stalker Tools! Now you can record everything you do (while wearing a suit anyway). No privacy concerns here. Move along...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The smallest GPS chip ever

The smallest GPS chip evar? - The Red Ferret Journal

New Zealand company Rakon has just announced the worldÂ’s smallest GPS receiver chip (size = babyÂ’s fingernail). Look out for GPS functionality in watches Real Soon Now!

Yet another Handy Stalker Tool! Now we will be able track everyone all the time. Sweet!